Three Basic Principles of Web Typography

Typography on the Web has come a long way in the last couple decades. In the past, Web typography was rarely well designed due to technical limitations. Although constraints do still exist, doing a little extra to create clear, readable typography on the Web is both possible and smart. Quality Web typography improves communication. It also enhances flow and interactivity. Your written content is usually the most valuable element on your Web site. Thus, prioritizing your Web site typography is actually highlighting your most profitable resource. Below are three basic, but important rules to abide by when considering typography on the Web. 1. Establish a Clear Hierarchy of Information with Your Text Arranging type with varying size, style and weight in a consistent manner will make a big impact on your Web site. This allows you to share with the user what content is most important, so they can easily access the information they want. When your typography works as a visual “cue”, it allows the user to navigate throughout the site with easily with intuition. 2. Limit the Number of Fonts You Use on Your Site It is best to never use more than three typefaces in a Web site design to avoid unnecessary visual confusion for the user. Minimalists might even argue that using three fonts is using one too many. Either way, limiting the number of typefaces in your Web design will help create cohesive, visual unity. 3. Consider the Space Surrounding Your Type When designing for the Web, it is important that you create ample space surrounding your typography. It is best to create a visual “balance” between the positive space of the type and the negative space surrounding it. This will ultimately enhance readability for the user.