Take Bias Out of the Equation with Analytics

Most people think they are more valuable than results suggest. This is true for most areas of life, whether you’re talking about
driving skills (93% of drivers believed they were better than others) or in careers (68% of teachers surveyed rated themselves in the top 25%). This is
particularly true among Type-A personalities found in sales, and the reason analyzing data behind new campaigns is so important.

When to Measure

Effective measurement of your nurturing program is critical, and knowing when to measure is equally important. Outlined below are five keys to measuring and evaluating your lead nurturing initiative.

Dashboards: Can You Handle the Truth?

A dashboard to organize and manage the company’s content can do wonders for sales and increase business productivity. However, it is easy to say in a meeting, “let’s get a dashboard,” and not realistically see how a dashboard will affect a company.

Marketing ROI should be higher than Sales ROI

The reality is that marketing returns are higher than sales returns. While marketing campaigns do also require the time and energy of talented employees, it doesn’t require hiring more workers to up the marketing ante.

Dashboards: Can You Handle the Truth?

The following scenario is often the case in most companies. Someone has a revolutionary idea during a board meeting about a new company initiative, and there is a lot of agreement and enthusiasm. However, when it is time to implement the new idea into place, there is dragging of feet. Getting a company dashboard will fit into this category.
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