Marketing Foundations: Database Marketing

One typically under-utilized asset possessed by most B2B companies is their database. Whether that database is a snail-mailing list, email list or social media following, the capacity to contact interested people must be harnessed as a part of a complete promotional plan. It is assumed that management already has a reliable, easy to understand tracking system in place. However, the dilemma lies in how a B2B company can utilize a contact list, since it is extremely rare when a received message leads directly to a purchase.

Marketing As Education

Selling to businesses generally means longer sales cycles. Prospective clients will need to walk through multiple approvals in their own companies before agreeing to purchase, so it's important that you, as the seller, build multiple relationships within the prospective company. This is a significant challenge. Educating potential clients is one of the most effective methods for building interest in their companies and gaining their trust.

Learn to effectively measure ROI. Get your metrics on!

Does ROI Really matter?

Many businesses use ROI to determine which projects to pursue and which projects should be abandoned. This is the basis that most boards use to determine the effectiveness of any particular project. After all, everyone must be held accountable financially and if projects aren't bringing in revenue, they shouldn't be pursued, right?

What cloud computing really means for marketers

Cloud computing is very popular these days. To some marketers it might seem like a phase that the industry is going through. There are many reasons how cloud computing can be leverage your business ahead of competitors. So instead of waiting for this "phase" to be over, use cloud computing to automate your marketing campaigns. Cloud computing is used to differentiate serious industry players from everyone else. Cloud computing uses third-party infrastructure and software through the Internet by way of a web browser. Here are five reasons why it is just makes sense to automate your marketing tools using cloud computing:

5 Methods for Measuring Your Nurturing Program

Lead nurturing is extremely valuable. Lead nurturing ensures that long-term leads and qualified prospects are not lost between marketing and sales. Effective measurement of your nurturing program is critical, and knowing when to measure is equally important. Outlined below are five keys to measuring and evaluating your lead nurturing initiative.

How Much Should You Spend On Marketing?

How much should you spend on marketing? It is likely this question is the most asked question in the history of business. There really is no real answer for this question. The solution is different for every business. There is no magic number.

How Much Should You Spend On Marketing?

How much should you spend on marketing? It is likely this question is the most asked question in the history of business. There really is no real answer for this question. The solution is different for every business. There is no magic number.
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