Jury Duty and Communications

The other day, I had jury duty. It's pretty normal and unremarkable in itself. I did, however, make some interesting observations about their communications.

Generating Leads: Sales or Marketing?

Everyone knows that any successful business has an abundance of good, qualified leads. The question is how to get them. Who's responsible? Sales or Marketing?

One-to-One Marketing is Still Mass Marketing

Even if we could achieve one-to-one marketing in practice, and even if anyone wanted it, I maintain that it's still mass marketing. It is not possible to market at this level.

Why Design?

It's very popular these days to tout the rise of the design culture. For some, it's the stage past the information age. Even organizations need designing. What's at the root of this feeling?

Is Researching with Google a Good Idea?

It's easy to turn to Google for help, whether with reference information or a phone number. Indeed, the increasing use of Google to learn anything has led to the verb *googling*. But, is this a good thing?

What Do Clients Want?

Plenty of clients have problems, and there are plenty of companies to solve those problems. So, why does *that* company get the work for *that* company?
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