The Web and Sales

You might think that the Web isn't relevant to your B2B business. The truth is that is it's relevant to your customer. The question is really whether your business is relevant to them.

Audience Experience Optimization

OK, it's an awkward term. The goal is to replace the concept of usability. Or, rather, to supersede it. Audience Experience Optimization is a discipline that seeks to make certain that a viewer/participant of a Web site has a satisfying experience.

Is Usability Dead?

Traditional usability studies are effective, but limited in scope. They focus strictly on how "functional" an application is. Specifically, they determine whether a user can complete a strict series of tasks. I think this model is outdated and doesn't apply well to the Web.

Why the Web?

It's commonly considered that the Web is good for technology products sold online. And if not that exactly, then it's for selling things online. But, I disagree.

Custom Web Software

Not too long ago, it was uncommon to talk about custom Web applications. Only a few years ago, the Web application world was dominated by packages—installable applications that had to be customized, integrated, and adapted to the client's needs. Thankfully, those days are over.
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